How Can I Know My Destiny?

by kingteamdad

Each of us will have to give personal account to God.” (Romans 14:12 NIV)

Ramblings from Evan’s dad – I can’t imagine growing up today and having to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. The list of jobs and careers is long, and getting longer. In the days of Jesus, you did not have guys writing code for computers; you had shepherds, farmers, carpenters, and merchants. Typically if your dad was a carpenter, you learned the craft from him, and continued in that path.

Today I am in medical sales. Connor is leaning toward being a surgeon, Lacy is musically inclined, while Evan wants to be a “rock-ologist” (geology or archeology). God had designed all three of them very differently. They do have some of the same qualities. They have some of the same strengths, and even some of the same weaknesses. But, they are very unique, each in their own way.

I pray for them daily. First I pray that they will be in the middle of God’s Will. I pray that they will always walk in a way that people know they love Jesus. I pray that they will never be a stumbling block, but always a stepping stone for people to know the peace and joy of Jesus Christ. I pray that they will love and serve their Savior till they draw their last breath here on earth.

If they can do that being a doctor, great. If they can do that while being involved with music, or rocks. great. I would rather them have the lowest paying job out there, if that is where they will do the best job serving Him, with the talents He has given them.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen the uglier side of business this week. I was just asking God this morning, “Isn’t there something else You would rather me be doing?…”


Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10)