From Quiet to Dadhood


RAMBLINGS from Connor King’s dad – 22 years ago last week my job description increased, from being a married man to a married man…and a dad! Around 8:20 am Connor King made his debut at Piedmont hospital with some gentle encouragement by Dr. Jim Lyon. My life was forever changed for the better.

Dr. Jim went on to mentor me for 4 years. Meeting every Monday morning around 6 at the Silver Skillet to talk about life, and how the Bible fits in. What an incredible opportunity.

Several years later I am so grateful Connor had Heather Bowen for his 5th-grade teacher. That summer she quit her teaching job to become a missionary in Peru. She encouraged Connor to go with a group that was moving her down there to live. I quickly got tapped by Kris to be his parent tag along. It radically changed the way we looked at life and the world. People had so little, but were happy. Life was more simple. Connor and I both came back changed. The next two consecutive years we took the family back down there so they could experience what we did. What an incredible opportunity.


Since then, our family has been on numerous mission trips abroad and right here in the US. If you haven’t had the chance to do so, I can’t encourage you enough to step outside your comfort zone, just like I did when that little 5th grader said, “Daddy will you go?”

In so many ways Connor has been a wonderful leader to his two siblings. Always the protector. Always the teacher. When I think of Connor here are the top five things that come to mind:

1. He loves his family
2. He loves to read
3. He loves to learn
4. He loves to teach
5. He loves Jesus

With a year left at Liberty studying Biomedical Science, and contemplating Medical School, I am sure he will have a great opportunity to practice everything on that list. A lot!


Happy birthday, Connor! I am proud of the man you have become, and the opportunity you have given me!!